Gran Premio Riviera di Rimini - Rimini agosto 1950 - 4° Trial Italian Championship Class Sport 2800
Rossi di Montelera Theo n° 261 - Alagi - Class 1200 KG International - 1° Place "Gold Cu...
Primacy World of Speed at Km/h. 150.630 - Arona - 24.11.1938
First test after restoration 25 years later the last race - Sacca di Colorno, 15.06.2013
Exibition of Buzzi Fabio during the 3° Sacca Racer Meeting - Sacca di Colorno, 30.06.2013...
driver: Petrobelli Pietro n° 38 - Racing Boat Retro' Video - Milano-Idroscalo, 23.09.2012...
Sarnico 1966 - Casanova Leopoldo class 350KG - world record top speed 186 km/h
CASANOVA ARCHIVE - S.Cloud class LV 1300 - 1969
Clip and timelapse of the final restoration work of 2020/2021
On 27 May 1966, the German Industrialist Christoph Von Mayenburg reaches new world speed r...
Josef Ulrich, 30.06.1983