Onboard camera during the 3rd Memorial Ermes Prospero and Alessandro Nosè - Peschiera del Garda, 09.10.2016
Casanova Leopoldo n° 36 R3 Class - Lago Windermere (GB) - 1971
Today at 119 meters deep in Gardone Riviera after sinking in the race on the 6° Concorso ...
Ricci Adolfo n° 511 - Scafo Riva - Class 3 Litri - Cattolica 1935 - Copyright ISTITUTO LU...
The first test in water at Colorno in Sacca Racer motorized Alfa Romeo Montreal of the R4 ...
Pavia TV interview
Event: Sacca Racer Meeting 2012 Location: Sacca di Colorno, Parma, Italy Driver: #72 Pao...
Casinghini Benito n° L214 - Rapallo - La Settimana Incom 00481 del 24/08/1950.
Official Record-Breaking Docuseries
The Story of Laura I° from Museo della Barca Lariana
Rossi di Montelera Theo n° 261 - Alagi - Class 1200 KG International - 1° Place "Gold Cu...