Intro and start, refueling in Boretto and arrivals. Archive A.M.P.
Broadcast by Yacht & Sail
Aired by Yacht & Sail. Archive A.M.P.
Zani Enrico Archive
Aired on RAI3. Comment by Angelo Poma Archive A.M.P.
Passagges from Ponte della Becca Ferrari Paolo Archive
Archive Ferrari Paolo
Petrobelli Antonio n° 238 - Hauling and Start
Broadcast by TELE+ Intro, start and arrivals. Archive A.M.P.
58° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 31.05.1998 - MOTONAUTICA AZZURRA Archive A.M.P.
The Raid 2005 seen, experienced and commented by Buzzi Fabio . The Technical Solutions ado...