Passagges from Ponte della Becca Ferrari Paolo Archive
From Giornale Luce A0369 - 06/1929
Celebrating the 60th edition with clips from various past editions. Archive A.M.P.
Petrobelli Antonio n° 238 - Hauling and Start
Interviews, start and arrivals. Archive A.M.P.
The Raid seen by Angelo Poma from helicopter. Archive A.M.P.
Start from da Pavia, arrival in Chioggia, ivterviews and podium Archive A.M.P.
From Ficarolo Archive Pro Loco Ficarolo
Broadcast by TELE+ Intro, start and arrivals. Archive A.M.P.
Start from Cremona - Racer Class Pilots: Faux Robin n° 76and Harding John n° 54
Broadcast by RAI3 Archive Zani Enrico