Third Exibition Racers Pre '84 - Sunday 30.06 Afternoon
Saturday and sunday exibitions of PRE'84 over 2000cc
First exibition, racers post '84 - Saturday 29/06 afternoon.
Exibition of Carlo Petrobelli on the Celli-Alfa Romeo 2500cc Montreal.
Saturday and sunday exibitions of PRE'84 under 2000cc
Unlimited Boats Exibition :Petrobelli Pietro, Rolf Gersch Rolf and Buzzi Fabio
Exibition of Pietro Petrobelli on his Celli-BPM 8000cc, El biso V, recently restored.
Exibitions of saturday and sunday
Aerial shooting of sunday 15th.
Sunday exibition of R3 and R4 classes (2000 and 2500cc)
Third Exibition Racers Post '84 - Sunday 30.06 Afternoon