First exibition Racers Pre '84 - Saturday 29.06 Afternoon
Driver: #95 Aldo Berinzaghi Boat: Lucini, 1989 Engine: Alfa Romeo 2000, 170HP Camera: G...
Third Exibition Racers Pre '84 - Sunday 30.06 Afternoon
Exibitions of saturday and sunday
First exibition, racers post '84 - Saturday 29/06 afternoon.
Saturday and sunday exibitions of PRE'84 over 2000cc
Saturday Exibitions, 13.06.2015
Saturday and sunday exibitions of PRE'84 under 2000cc
Saturday and sunday exibitions of UNLIMITED racers
Unlimited class exibition wit Giovanni Cima and Pietro Petrobelli
23-24/06/2012 - Sacca di Colorno (Parma)